Privacy Policy for RizzMe

Effective Date: May 25, 2023

This Privacy Policy describes the privacy practices of Begin Again Co. (referred to as "Begin Again Co.", "we", "us", or "our") and explains how we handle personal information collected through our application, website, and other services (collectively referred to as the "Services").


Begin Again Co. enables users to receive anonymous messages via Instagram through the RizzMe app. Here's how it works:

  1. The RizzMe app allows a user (referred to as "App User") to generate a RizzMe link.
  2. The App User can use the link to solicit messages from anyone who can access the link. The person sending an anonymous message is referred to as a "Message Sender".
  3. When a Message Sender clicks on the RizzMe link, they will be taken to a URL where they can send a message directly to the App User.
  4. The App User also has the choice to post the anonymous messages and App User's response to their Instagram account.

Begin Again Co. does not store the name or Instagram handle of the Message Sender, and cannot reveal this information to the App User or others. However, we may reveal properties of the Message Sender to the App User based on the Message Sender's IP address or browser user agent. We may also share this information for compliance, safety, and integrity issues.

To protect our users, we employ AI content moderation services like ChatGPT. These services use deep learning and sophisticated algorithms to screen messages and filter out harmful language and bullying.

Personal Information We Collect

We collect information about you from various sources. The type of information we collect depends on how you interact with our Services - such as whether you visit our website, download the RizzMe app, or send messages to App Users through the Services.

Personal Information You Provide to Us:

Account information: App Users provide this when they download the RizzMe app and sign up to use the Services. App Users may provide their Instagram handle so we can link the Services to their Instagram account. They may also upload a profile picture for their RizzMe account.

Messages: Message Senders submit these to App Users through the Services.

Feedback or correspondence: This is information you provide when you contact us with questions, feedback, product reviews, or otherwise correspond with us online.

Usage information: This is information about how you use the Services and interact with us, including information associated with any content you upload to the Services or submit to us, and information you provide when you use any interactive features of the Services.

Other information: We may collect other information not specifically listed here, but which we will use in accordance with this Privacy Policy or as otherwise disclosed at the time of collection.

Information We Obtain From Other Sources